Hope When Things Feel Hopeless

Hope When Things Feel Hopeless

Depression is a major problem in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control 9% of the US population report occasional depression (over 28 million people) and 3.4% suffer from major depression (almost 11 million people). But the feelings, or lack of...
Drugs Don’t Help Most People

Drugs Don’t Help Most People

Depression is big business for drug companies. According to the CDC, almost 30 million people fill 164 million prescriptions for antidepressant medications, making antidepressants the most prescribed drugs in the United States. Unfortunately, research shows that...
We Can Help

We Can Help

Depression is not due to a drug deficiency. In many people, it is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain that can be corrected. Drugs only mask the problem and often make it worse. The good news is that there are natural measures to deal with depression that are...
Get Started Today

Get Started Today

We have helped thousands of people all over the world achieve their health goals and eliminate their depression and we’d like to help you do the same. Learn how you can get started and eliminate the weight of depression for good.